“To Bead or Not To Bead?” That is the Question

Why hello my crafty minions! Welcome to my 2nd post on this little blog :] For todays post, a Beaded Charm Bracelet!

Need: Very small seed beads, elastic string the beads can go through, scissors and charm beads. (They can be any type: glass, plastic, or wood. Just as long as they can fit over the smaller beads.)

1. String your small beads on the string for the desired length.

2. When the desired length is reached, string on your bigger charms. (NOTE: You may not want too many charms on,  limit to 3-5 charms, but this is my opinion, customize it however you like.)

3. When finished, tie the string together (double knot) and snip the excess string.

You are finished! This is the completed product.

You can use different colored beads or have it all matchy-matchy, or you could do any number of big beads! It’s all up to you! Be bold. Be daring. Be you! Until next time!


Hi, this is my first post on this blog :]

Since I LOVE looming and it is getting cold, I am going to teach you how to make a scarf 😀  You will need a loom, a hook (not from a pirate), a pair of scissors, and a BIG ball of yarn!

Now follow the steps C-A-R-E-F-U-L-L-Y!

1. First tie a slip knot or tie a single lose knot like me onto a side…knobby.

2. Then loop the yarn around the top knobbies in a triangular motion.

3. Then wrap the yarn around like this then gently push down (you only really need to do this the first time you put the yarn on).

4. Then wrap the yarn around, in the same way, as second time.

5. Take the hook, lift the bottom yarn above the top yarn and slip it off the knobby.  Repeat with each knobby.

 6. Secure the end loop under around the end knobby (you will be undoing this, do not make a knot) and push the yarn to the bottom of the loom.

(It should look like this after you’re done)

7. After completing 8-10 rows, you will want to finish the end that you started.  To do this, undo the knot that you tied at the beginning (on the end knobby) and tie it twice around the first loop to make sure your scarf doesn’t unravel.  (Make sure to leave your working yarn on the loom.  You are not taking this off yet and will still be making your scarf).

8. Put the first two loops on the hook and flip the back loop over the hook (making a series of slip-knots) and repeat this process until at the end of the end.

9. Tie the last two loops together.

10. Trim the excess yarn.  (See how I’m working from the bottom of the loom?  This is the part of the scarf that you have finished so far)

11. After you finish the end, flip the loom back over and continue with steps 2 – 6.  Continue until the scarf is as tall as you are or if it is for someone else, about as tall as they are. (WARNING: This step takes a long time so when you get the hang of it watch a movie.)

12. When you are happy with the length, take the loops that are farther away from you and flip them onto the row closest to you and flip the bottom row over the top row.

13. Cut a generous amount of yarn off of the remaining ball of yarn and tie it to the first loop (if you have any excess use for another scarf or project).

14. Then you tie off the end with your remanding yarn.

15. Then repeat steps 8, 9, and 10. Trim off the excess yarn.

16 . Now show of your work!!! (WARNING: Looming may cause you to get Looming pox, the illness that I suffer from :P, the signs of Looming pox is: Obsessive looming, draining your wallet of cash to buy yarn and in rare cases, having a how-to-loom tutorial for your first post on your new blog. Sarcasm. Sort of…)

Scarfs can be great holiday gifts and are easy and fun to make too.  You can add different collars (make sure the yarn has the same texture for a good effect)  just make sure you tie a really good knot to connect the yarn or it will fall apart, or you can make a pom-pom and tie it to the ends of the scarfs (so you won’t have a pom-pom itching your neck), or use thicker or thiner yarn. HINT: The thicker the yarn the warmer it is, if you use a thick yarn try to make it thiner in width so you can put it on. If you are using thiner yarn then the scarf will not be as warm you would want to have in a freezing climate like Alaska. One time I made three different colored scarfs the same length, used some coordinating yarn and sewed them together to make a blanket. The possibilities are endless. You can also find charities that collect scarfs or donate them to a children’s hospital or a convalescent home.

Be bold. Be daring. Be you! Until next time!!!